Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set/(USA) Political Science State of Local Gov Sample Test,Sample questions

  Institutions of local government are found:

1.In democratic countries only

2.In democratic countries with parliamentary system of government only

3.In democratic countries with federal system of government only

4.In almost all the countries of the world

  Local government is concerned with:

1.Management of affairs of the people of local areas

2.Functions which are delegated to it by the centre only

3.Developmental functions only

4.All the above types of functions

  Which one of the following functions is not performed by the local government bodies?

1.Health and sanitation

2.Protection of life and property

3.Construction of roads, bridges, public baths, etc

4. Maintenance of police force

  Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Local government institutions are the administrative out posts of the central or state government

2.Local bodies are subordinate wings of the state executive wing

3.The local bodies are subordinate to the law of the state or centre

4.None of the above

  Who among the following introduced local self-government in India?

1.Lord Canning

2.Raja Rammohan Roy

3.Lord Rippon

4.Lord Mountbatten

 In a unitary form orf government local government derives its powers from:


2.Heal of the state

3.Prime Minister

4.Legislative enactments

 In recent years the local bodies have become:

1.Increasingly independent of the state government

2.Increasingly dependent on the state government

3.Completely sovereign

4.None of the above

 Local governments are found only in:

1.Unitary form of government

2.Federal form of government


4.In all form of governments

 The legislative wing of the state or central government exercises control over local bodies:

1.By passing their budgets

2. By enacting necessary laws for these bodies

3.By prescribing their organizations and functions through statutes

4.Through all the above methods

 The local bodies:

1.Can raise loans on their own

2.Cannot raise loans

3. Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state

4.None of the above

 Which of the following is not an essential condition for successful working of local self-government?

1.Politics should not be allowed to interfere

2.Financially these should be kept dependent on the centre

3.Favourable public opinion should be created in their favour

4.More financial resources should be put at their disposal

 Which one of the following is not an essential condition for maintaining public interest in local self-government?

1.Utility of these institutions should be classified

2.People should be made to realise their importance

3.People of integrity should be got elected to these bodies

4.These should be deprived of some of their powers

 Which one of the following is not true about local government? 

1. It helps central government in discharging its duties

2.It helps in reducing the burden of central government

3.It helps in promoting efficiency

4.It helps in promoting political ideologies

 Which one of the following is true about a local government?

1.It perform functions of national importance

2. It can amend the constition

3.It can get representation in world bodies

4. It is required to help central government in discharging its obligations

Given the ideals of responsible government, local government should mean:

1.Devolution of governmental duties

2.Decentralisation of administration

3.Administrative deconcentration

4.Diversification of governmental organs

In a federal form of government local government derives its powers from:

1.The head of the state

2.The legislature

3. The judiciary

4.The constitution

In these days local governments are trying to:

1.Demand more autonomy

2.Have more dependence on central government

3.Maintain status quo

4. Ignore their responsibility

Judicial control over local bodies aims at:

1.Ensuring that they are discharging their obligations within the limits of the statute

2.Prevention of undue interference by the executive in the working of local bodies

3.Ensuring non-intervention by political parties in local affairs

4.None of the above

The administrative departments of the state or central governments exercise control over local bodies:

1.By formulating their budgets

2.Through their power to approve or reject the bye laws, schemes and resolutions of local bodies

3.Recruiting all the official of the local bodies

4.Through none of the above methods

The enormous increase in the functions of the government in recent years has led to:

1.Increase in the functions of local bodies

2.Decline in the functions of local bodies

3.Neither increase nor decline in the functions of local bodies

4.Elimination of local bodies

The local government enjoys the powers which are:

1.Bestowed by the Constitution

2.Delegated by the central government

3.Delegated by the state government

4.Bestowed by the statute

The local government institutions:

1.Can levy taxes

2.Can levy taxes with the prior approval of the state government

3.Cannot levy taxes

4.Propose taxes to the state government

The local government is:

1.Not accountable to the central or state governments

2.Accountable to the central or state governments within the limits prescribed by the statute

3.Fully accountable to the central or state governments

4.Accountable only to the local representatives

The local government:

1.Raises its funds largely locally

2.Depends for the finances on the centre only

3. Depends for the funds on the state government only

4.None of the above

The local governments are:



3.Creation of central or state governments

4.None of the above

The local governments enjoy:

1.No autonomy

2.Complete autonomy

3.Autonomy within the limits prescribed by statutes

4.None of the above

The main reason for the creation of local governments is:

1.To reduce the work of the central government

2.To effectively deal international problems

3.To strengthen a particular political system

4.To make political party system work successfully

The states in a federation are:

1.The lowest units of local government

2.The highest units of local government

3.Not units of local government

4.None of the above

Which of the following is not an essential condition for the successful working of local self-government?

1.These should meet local needs

2.The people of integrity should be elected

3.Party politics should be encouraged

4.Control of central authority should not be very stiff

Which one of the following does not fall under the category of administrative control over local self-government bodies?

1.State government can appoint administrative officers

2.State government can disapprove bye-laws of these body

3.State government can appoint inspecting officers

4.State governments can propagate against the quality of their work

Which one of the following factors has contributed to the growing dependence of the local bodies on the state?

1.Improved means of transport and communication

2.Growing tendency towards provision of uniform administration

3.Tendency on the part of state government, like any other government, to increase its powers

4.All the above factors

Which one of the following is a function which local government is usually required to perform?

1.External affairs

2.Police administration



Which one of the following is a function which local government is usually required to perform?

1.Health and sanitation

2. Higher and technical education



Which one of the following is not a merit of local government?

1.It helps in promoting efficiency

2.In it more attention can be paid to local needs

3.It is expensive

4.It provides good training ground

Which one of the following is not a merit of local government?

1.It helps in the creation of harmony

2.It promotes disharmony

3.It ignores harmony

4.None of the above

Which one of the following is not essential for maintaining interest of the people in local self-government institutions? 

1. In their favour leacture by public men should be arranged

2.Newspapers should be used in their favour

3.Close contracts between elected and electorates should be maintained

4.Very strict central control over their working should be exercised

Which one of the following is not true about local government institutions?

1.These are useless appendage of the state

2.These are needed for efficient state working

3.These are required to reduce the work-load of the centre

4.These are needed for attending to local needs

Which one of the following is not true about local government?

1.These can help in promoting efficiency

2.Under these local needs are ignored

3.Under these attention of the central government is divided

4.Under these work of the central government is reduced

Which one of the following is true statement about local government?

1.Their dependence on the centre is increasing

2.Their autonomy is increasing day by day

3.Their work-load is increasingly going up

4.Centres administrative control overthem is increasing

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a feature of local government?

1.It enjoys jurisdiction over very limited area

2.It operates on the principle that local problems can be best solved by the local people

3.It undertakes only those activities which benefit the people of area

4.None of the above

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a justification for state control or supervision over local bodies?

1.Control ensures greater efficiency in municipal services

2.It keeps a check on powerful local interests which may operate against the common interest

3.It provides necessary finances to the proper areas for provision of welfare services

4.It ensures diversity in municipal services

Which one the following has been wrongly listed as a tool for the exercise of administrative control over local bodies?

1.Through provision of advice in technical and specialized fields

2.Through inspections

3.Enactment of budgets of local bodies

4.Through grants in aid


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